Excubitor Game Project

Excubitor Game Project

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For those of you who don’t know, Excubitor is a multidirectional shooter tower defense game coupled with lots of weapons, turrets, upgrades and skills. The player pilots the Hammerhead and builds turrets at predetermined platforms. A problem that we had so far is how to implement an economy/resource system which will be easy to use and balance. Even though we

After we skipped last week due to a small holiday break (we need those once in a while), we return with our weekly blog updates to talk about the visual effects in Excubitor. Since we covered the process of asset creation up to this point we can now assume that said asset is already placed in the game world to enrich

Today we reach the final chapter of the asset creation story. After the modeling and base texturing it’s time to beautify the texture with some additional tricks, all of which are essential when creating a model intended for video games. NORMAL MAP The first step is to create a normal map for the model. There are two methods for normal map creation.

After last week’s talk about the fundamental principles of 3D modeling for games it’s time to explain the next step in the process. Once the object is modeled, with everything that was mentioned in the previous post taken in consideration, the result would look something like this. In order for the texture artist to be able to paint the object he will

IMPORTANT NOTE: We decided to scrape all of our previous news updates and start bringing you development news in a more streamlined, organized, and hopefully, interesting fashion. FRIENDLY WARNING: Wall of text to follow. THE GENESIS Some four and a half years ago, after spending most of their youth in the embrace of the video game culture, Ivan Ivanovski and Aleksandar Jovanovski made